A Long-Range Facilities Plan (LRFP) is a board approved document that: 

  • Outlines facilities management strategies to support the long-term accommodation of projected students and educational programs.
  • Places the need for capital projects in a district-wide context and plays a key role in the submission of capital project requests and annual updates to the District’s Five-Year Capital Plan.

Background on Current LRFP

The Richmond School District’s Long-Range Facilities Plan (LRFP) was approved by the Richmond Board of Education in June 2019. It was first updated in November 2021, with a subsequent update in 2025.

The board’s objective is for the LRFP to continue to align with the district’s evolving student growth trends, long-term facilities needs, educational goals and perspectives of all educational partners in the Richmond community.

The most recent updated LRFP was approved in March 2025 after a thorough public engagement process where the district engaged with the Richmond community to gather feedback on the concepts, issues and strategies related to district facilities planning. You can access the full LRFP documentation here

The Richmond Board of Education recognizes the need for the LRFP to remain current and is committed to updating the plan on an ongoing basis. School communities, educational partners and Richmond residents are welcome to ask questions or continue to submit feedback to be considered for future updates via email to the Richmond Project Team at planning@sd38.bc.ca.

Long-Range Facilities Plan